Fur Change in Dogs - AniForte UK

Fur Change in Dogs

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Some dogs are already starting with their spring fur change. During this time, it is common to find dog hair on the sofa, in the car, on clothing, the carpet; it’s everywhere. Your dog looses his winter fur. Even if this period isn’t usually the favourite time of the year for dog owners, it is a necessary process. How long does the fur change last? What helps to speed it up? How can you support your dog best during this time?

A dogs' fur change is a natural process and takes place twice a year, in autumn and spring. The exact time when this happens depends on daylight and temperature. It usually takes between six and eight weeks for the entire fur change to be completed.

Older dogs usually shed more than younger dogs, castrated dogs more than uncastrated dogs and bitches often loose fur before the heat. Dogs with a strong undercoat also loose more hair during fur change. Some breeds, such as poodles, don't have a natural fur change process. Their hair just keeps growing and has to be shorn or trimmed regularly.

Spring is the time for fur change

When winter ends and the days get longer and warmer, your four-legged friend will slowly lose his winter coat. Compared to summer fur, the plush winter fur has a higher proportion of thick undercoat. This soft, thin woolly hair lies under the top hair and isolates the dog perfectly against cold and wet conditions. In spring your dog's coat change is more pronounced than in autumn, because he needs to get rid of the thick undercoat.

How do you support your dog during fur change?

The fur change is exhausting for your four-legged friend. To ensure that the thinner coat can grow back in spring I recommend the following: nutrient-rich dog food, high-quality feed oils and regular fur care ensure that the fur grows back healthy.

Brush, brush, brush

The old coat has to go so that the new one can follow. Regular brushing and combing out the fur removes the dead hair, promotes blood circulation to the skin and stimulates the sebaceous glands, which produce protective fat.

For smooth and short-haired dogs, you should treat the fur 2-3 times a week with a soft brush made of natural bristles and a grooming glove.

If you have a longer-haired dog, combing with a wide-toothed metal comb, a wire brush with curved teeth or a natural hair brush is recommended every day.

In addition to regular trimming, your wire-haired dog should be brushed 3 to 4 times with a metal comb or a wire brush (terrier harrow) during this period.

If you notice during brushing that the hair comes out in tufts or hairless spots begin to form, there could be a sign of an illness. To determine the cause of the fur loss, make an appointment with your veterinarian or veterinary practitioner.

High-quality nutrition for a healthy coat

For healthy, strong and shiny fur to emerge after the fur change, nutritious, nutrient-rich dog food should be on the menu.

Vital and mineral-rich brewer's yeast supports the body with important vital substances during the fur change and ensures a glossy and thick coat of hair. Brewer's yeast can also help dogs that show no appetite during the fur change.

Fur change in dogs can also be supported by natural herbs and high-quality oils.

Which oil is the right one?

  • Salmon oil - in addition to a shiny coat, salmon oil promotes metabolism, prevents hair loss, lowers cholesterol and is valuable for strong bone growth.
  • Linseed Oil - Linseed oil is known for its anti-inflammatory effects and strengthens the immune system. In addition, it supports a healthy and natural shiny coat.

  • Hemp oil - the vegetable hemp oil contains valuable vital substances and helps with skin problems such as dull coat, dandruff, dry skin or itchiness.

In addition, all of these oils are characterized by a high proportion of unsaturated fatty acids and an optimal ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids.

For four-legged friends who suffer from hair breakage, hair loss, dandruff, dry fur or other skin issues, we have developed a vital powder for skin and coat. Its herbs, vitamin complexes, special yeast, micronutrients and trace elements compensate for nutritional deficits and create the right conditions for a dense, shiny coat and healthy skin.

Three tips to get rid of annoying hair on clothes:

  • Put the dryer-suitable clothes in the tumble dryer for 5 minutes. The movement in the drum and the airflow ensure that the hair ends up in the fluff filter.
  • Use anti-hair balls or lint balls for the washing machine as they will attract the animal hair.
  • Remove the hair with a lint roller.

A healthy diet and regular grooming can not only speed up a dog's fur change, but also lay the foundation for a strong summer coat!

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