What to do if your dog has a cold - AniForte UK

What to do if your dog has a cold

Does your dog have a cold or is coughing and you don't know what to do? Find out here how a cold manifests in dogs and how you can treat the infection naturally! Your dog is coughing and sniffling...
How Long Do Cats Live? - AniForte UK

How Long Do Cats Live?

We all know that the life expectancy of cats is significantly lower than that of humans. Today, we take a closer look at how long cats actually live, and which factors play a major role in a long ...
10 Reasons Dogs Tremble - AniForte UK

10 Reasons Dogs Tremble

Have you ever wondered why dogs tremble, sometimes even for no apparent reason? We got to the bottom of this question and introduce you to ten situations that cause our furry friends to tremble. 1...
How To Support Your Dog’s Immune System - AniForte UK

How To Support Your Dog’s Immune System

As we are getting into the colder season, have you thought about how you can strengthen your dog's immune system? And is that even necessary? Today, we explain the function of your dog’s immune sy...
When Does My Dog Count As A Senior? - AniForte UK

When Does My Dog Count As A Senior?

It seems that just yesterday your furry friend was still lively and agile, today you see the first gray hairs and typical signs of age. Instead of romping around, your little friend takes it much e...
Can Dogs Eat Grapes? - AniForte UK

Can Dogs Eat Grapes?

Grapes are one of the most popular types of fruit for us humans. Many dog ​​owners also know that grapes are not healthy for their furry friends and can even be quite dangerous. In this article we...
Can Dogs Eat Cucumber? - AniForte UK

Can Dogs Eat Cucumber?

“Can dogs eat cucumber?” is a common question from dog owners. BARFer in particular know that many types of vegetables that are healthy for humans can be very dangerous for our furry friends. Vege...
When Dogs Are Limping - Causes And Symptoms Of Musculoskeletal Disorders - AniForte UK

When Dogs Are Limping - Causes And Symptoms Of Musculoskeletal Disorders

If your dog starts to limp, there can be a number of different causes. Regardless of the trigger, the symptoms are usually painful. As a pet owner, you want nothing more than to be able to help you...
Movement Is Everything - How Animal Physiotherapy Can Help Your Pet - AniForte UK

Movement Is Everything - How Animal Physiotherapy Can Help Your Pet

Does your pet have an injury, or did they undergo surgery? Subsequent animal physiotherapy could help. But what exactly does your animal have to do during these sessions? What is Physiotherapy? Th...
How dangerous are Tick Collars? - AniForte UK

How dangerous are Tick Collars?

From spring until well into autumn, depending on the region, it’s tick season. We recommend that you start thinking about the right tick collar for your dog at the end of winter, because the effec...
If Your Dog Eats Too Quickly – Tips for Worried Dog Owners - AniForte UK

If Your Dog Eats Too Quickly – Tips for Worried Dog Owners

As soon as the food is in the bowl, your dog greedily gulps it down. Sounds familiar? Many dog ​​owners are justifiably worried about their furry friends, because eating too quickly is unhealthy f...
Vitamins for Dogs and Cats - Artificial vs. Naturally - AniForte UK

Vitamins for Dogs and Cats - Artificial vs. Naturally

Vitamins are essential substances, largely ingested through food. An insufficient intake of vitamins can result in deficiency symptoms. Deficiencies can cause different symptoms and can promote va...